FORGED, the Men's Ministry of Vintage Church, strategically employs a three-pronged approach to foster Biblical Masculinity: Courage, Strength, and Service. Our mission is to build men who lead with Biblical values in their family, church, community, and work place.
First, we instill Courage through monthly breakfasts and special events, focusing on practical messages and men specific activities.
Second, we challenge men to be strong, spirit, soul and body through our "BE A MAN 12-WEEK CHALLENGE".
Lastly, Service is emphasized and encouraged through a men’s discipleship program and annual conferences and retreats, encouraging men to live out their faith everyday.



Embark on a journey of transformation with the "BE A MAN | 12-Week Challenge". This experience is rooted in discipline, an essential component for Christian Discipleship and Biblical Masculinity, forging men in the image of Christ in spirit, soul, and body.
In alignment with the number ten, symbolizing testing in scripture, participants are guided through rigorous, yet purposeful challenges.