Embark on
a journey of
This experience is rooted in discipline, an essential component for Christian Discipleship and Biblical Masculinity, forging men in the image of Christ in spirit, soul, and body. In alignment with the number ten, symbolizing testing in scripture, participants are guided through rigorous, yet purposeful challenges.
The Challenge
1. Start and end each day with prayer. Use a prayer model.
2. Read 30 minutes daily. 15 minutes must be the Bible and 15 minutes of a book. Must be paperback, no audio.
3. Attend and serve at church weekly. No excuses. Must complete within 7-day period.
4. Return the tithe (10% Gross Income).
5. Workout 45 minutes twice daily. Not continuous. At least one outside.
6. Pick a diet and stick to it. No cheat meals.
7. No social media. Delete the apps. Limit all screen time.
8. No alcohol or tobacco. No exceptions.
9. Read personal affirmations out loud daily.
10. Drink only water and black coffee.

Getting Started
Complete and return a Challenge Start & Completion Verification Card in-person at a Forged Event. You can also request a card by emailing men@vintage.church anytime.
The challenge has a “No Tolerance” Policy, which means, that if you miss anything, even once, you MUST start from the beginning and reset to day 1.
If you have any health issues please consult a physician prior to starting.
It is the responsibility of each man to exercise personal integrity while completing the challenge. Tithing records will be verified but everything else is “Honor System”. Just remember that God Sees You.

Upon successful completion, you must date and sign the bottom of your Challenge Start & Completion Verification Card. These cards are kept in a secure place, and to request yours, email men@vintage.church upon completion. Once you’ve completed the challenge, you will be a part of an exclusive group of men and receive a special Challenge Coin, T-shirt, and “Man Card”.
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