At Vintage Church, Missions & Outreach are fundamental pillars that demonstrate our commitment to supporting communities both locally and globally. Our mission is embodied through organizing and leading diverse outreach initiatives, which empower our congregation to make a profound positive impact on the lives of others.
Our activities span from forming partnerships with local organizations to participating in international aid efforts. By mobilizing volunteers and resources, Vintage Church’s missions & outreach initiatives play an essential role in fulfilling our mission to serve communities and spread the Gospel across the world.
All funds donated are tax deductible and go directly to our missions partnerships.
We give 10-22% of our general fund giving on an annual basis as well as intermittently throughout the year.

Organization Partners
Rocker W Ranch was created as a retreat for pastors and other spiritual leaders to get away from their demanding schedules and daily routines.
Church Sherpa exists to help you go further faster as you climb higher in your life and ministry. Our mission is to help you accomplish yours.
Oak Ridge Discipleship House is a non-profit, faith-based, Christian character-building ministry geared towards reaching men who are broken from drug and alcohol addictions.
OneChild is a ministry that works to bring hope, truth, life, love and mercy to almost 40,000 children living in poverty all over the world.
Trotter House community centers are pregnancy resource centers and community outreach assisting women and families in unplanned pregnancies and beyond.
FCA focuses on serving local communities around the globe by engaging, equipping and empowering coaches and athletes to unite, inspire and change the world.
In a world that is largely fractured, Eagles’ Wings see the urgent need to be ones who are engaged in “tikkun olam” (Hebrew: the repairing the world).