Thank you for choosing to use your God-given gifts to serve at Vintage Church! You perform a critical role in the spiritual family of God, The Local Church. We value our team members and sincerely hope that you not only have a great experience but also have many opportunities to grow in your faith and encounter God as you serve. We always strive to provide an encouraging environment that matches your interests and personality with the various opportunities to serve.
We’ve created this playbook to equip you and to provide you with specific information about team expectations, policies, procedures, and the many benefits of your Serve Team commitment.
I am so excited to serve alongside you and look forward to partnering with you to impact our community for Christ!
A playbook defines what needs to be done to win the game by breaking down the team’s strategy into practical and actionable plays.
We’ve created this playbook to equip you and to provide you with specific information about team expectations, policies, procedures, and the many benefits of your Serve Team commitment.
Equipped To Serve
All of us were created by God to make a difference in the life of another person. God has a place for you where your unique abilities and passions can touch the lives of others. It is the responsibility of church leaders to equip Christians to serve through works of service.
A New Way To Lead
Jesus commanded his disciples to relate to one another in a way that was radically different from the world around them. In the family of God, the way to influence isn’t through titles or positions but through service to one another. We must always seek to add value to others over ourselves.
All leadership is servant leadership. Leadership is a privilege, not a right. Leadership requires sacrifice.
Conflict Resolution
While Vintage Church hopes that every ministry experience is a positive one, we also recognize that team members may become dissatisfied. This can occur because of strained relationships with fellow team members, your relationship with your team leaders, disagreement with the church’s practices and policies, or other conditions related to your team.
The following steps are based on Matthew 18:15-16.
How to pray for others
As a Serve Team member, you have the unique opportunity to support all the God-change happening in the lives of people using the power of prayer.
House Keeping and Next Steps
Serve Team Members honor Christ and the Church community through their service by presenting themselves in moral ways, demonstrating biblical behavior,